Vitaly Drut
Banking and companies


Degrees and membership of associations:

Areas of expertise:

Wealth management and investing

Years of practice in his field:

25 Years

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Vitaly Drut is the manager partner of a prestigious group of companies. He has 25 years of experience working on investment and business and he participated in big development and transport projects as well as in the IT industry.

He specializes in investment projects, financing projects and business sales. He also has wide experience in forming the business structure for various businesses in different economic sectors.

Vitaly also acts as the representative for investment companies in Europe and America and is the author of several international projects such as a catalog of transport companies in Russian and English language.

Thanks to all his experience and to his years working in the financial sector, Vitaly has great business connections on an international scale.

This expert specializes in the following jurisdictions: Ukraine, Russia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, USA, Spain, Switzerland, Cyprus, Latvia, and Panama.


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9/4/2020 8:00:00 AM
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