Best Countries for Citizenship by Investment: Real Estate Project in Grenada Continues to be Developed

In Mundo, we usually feature the best countries for citizenship by investment because we consider a second passport to be key in a nomad capitalist or perpetual traveler strategy. If a person wants to be really free, then acquiring one of the best citizenship by investment programs is the first and vital step towards achieving his goal.
As 2020 is coming to an end, we can look back and see how this year has deeply marked and perhaps changed forever the way we do business and finances. Many have suffered and still suffer from the crisis, but others were able to thrive and to move their projects ahead, or even start their new enterprises.
One example of this are our developers colleagues in Grenada which is one of the best countries for citizenship by investment. Our partners have been able to continue with their construction process during this time. With due compliance of the protocols to fight COVID-19, the final face of the project is progressing extremely well. The foundations are complete and the first floor slabs are being cast.
The Matura building, which is a beachfront property from this project, is still being developed thanks to 140 people working daily on the site. Units are already being finished and the grand entrance called Porte Cochere is complete. Also, the paintwork of the exterior is very advanced. The Grenada’s Prime Minister visited the construction and was impressed with the progress that has been made in 2020, even with the numerous lockdowns and multiple new protocols and regulations.
Why to acquire a unit in this project? A path to freedom with one of the best passport by investment programs
Acquiring a unit in this project sets a direct path to citizenship. Grenada is one of the Caribbean countries to offer citizenship by investment, and actually one of the best citizenship by investment programs because it offers the possibility of acquiring an E-2 visa for the United States. Mundo has a unique network of experts and luckily, we have recently partnered with the only developer to offer a title deeded property through the CBI program.
At Mundo we love this project because it fits perfectly with the five flag lifestyle since it offers luxury living and vacationing plus a second passport that opens up a whole new world for the investor. This is more than property and a passport; this is luxury and freedom. With the Grenadian passport it is possible to travel visa free to 142 countries including the EU, Russia, The UK, Ireland and China.

This means that the Grenada passport basically opens the doors of the whole world to you and your family, because it is possible to include your closest relatives to the application. Besides allowing inclusion of the main family members (spouse and children, like most programs), Grenada offers the possibility of applying with siblings, under certain conditions.
Moreover, with our developers in Grenada you can obtain all this plus ownership of luxury property. The project includes luxury studies and suites on a freehold condominium from 220,000 USD. All rooms and suites will have an ocean view and they will be located in a fantastic resort with all the amenities that you always look for in the Caribbean such as pool, spa, water sports facilities, bars and restaurants.
Why buy now?
Why to acquire a second passport?
Acquire your units in the final phase
Luckily, the final phase of the construction is now also selling its units. This section will be formed by 48 Multi Title Studios and 24 Multi Title Suites with prices starting at $220,000. The team has invited the Prime Minister to witness the advancements of the construction of the new phase, and he was quite impressed by the fast development and improvement, especially in the year of COVID-19, and pointed out the importance of the project for the local economy:
“We expect Grenada’s tourism industry will recover in the not-too-distant future and developments like these help to expand and improve our offering.”
Best countries for citizenship by investment
In order to choose the best second passport by investment we recommend asking for a consultation with Mundo´s experts in second citizenships and residencies. For passports, we have expert partners in Europe, where we can find the most important programs: Montenegro and Malta, which has recently renewed its CBI program. For the Caribbean, besides from Grenada we offer all the other four programs of which you can find more information here.
We also offer some of the best residency by investment programs like the Golden Visa in Portugal, the RBI in Cyprus and our favorite: the Panama qualified investor visa, which has recently been implemented.


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