Your best crypto lending and savings solution

Banking is getting tougher all over the world. European banks face greater restrictions, licensing problems, and increasing costs and taxes. Latin American banks must surf incredible financial instability. Offshore banks are dealing with increasing difficulties and bad press, limiting their products to ultra-high net worth individuals.
Thus, many people are looking for alternate solutions to keep their money safe, take loans, and generate interests.
One rising possibility for free-market lovers is cryptocurrencies. These mostly decentralized virtual currencies have risen in significance and attractiveness to optimize taxes, earn money by trading, and, above all, running away from the Big Brother.
However, the issue is that it still is an underground business. Some investors and businesspeople may not feel ensured that they have a reliable platform where to safeguard their cryptos and receive crypto loans.
The biggest and best crypto credit and savings Canadian company has an ample trajectory in the credit and savings industry that offers crypto savings and lending solutions.Why can you feel perfectly safe with them? They are allied with Genesis, which is the world’s largest digital asset lender and hasn’t lost a single dime in its more than two years of existence while handling more than $5b. Our partners offer similar security. The company didn’t lose a single dollar when bitcoin crashed in March.
What can they offer for you?
● Credits in USD backed by bitcoins at a 14% yearly interest rate.
● B2X loans to double your bitcoin balance.
● Bitcoin and USDC (a stablecoin, which we’ll talk about shortly) savings account with 8.8% yearly interest rates.
And everything comes with simplified online processes with quick response times and no stress.
You won’t find, not even in your craziest dreams, such a simple and beneficial savings and lending solution.
Let’s explain it step by step.
About the company
We're talking about a Canadian-based platform dedicated to building top-notch financial services destined for the crypto world. They offer a terrific portfolio of products that can help you take as much advantage as possible from your digital assets.
● Their savings products provide you with better yield than most banks.
● Their credit possibilities allow you to keep your bitcoins while gaining access to dollars or use your borrowed funds to buy more bitcoins.
We are offering a fantastic opportunity to those tired of lengthy paperwork, abuses of their privacy, and poor banking infrastructure, through USDC products.
Ok, but first, what is a USDC?
What is a USDC?
USDC is a stablecoin. That means it is a digital currency that is pegged 1:1 to the US Dollar. It was developed jointly by Coinbase, one of the most significant crypto exchange platforms, and Circle, a payments startup.
How does the USDC achieve this level of stability? Simple. They are issued by regulated and aptly licensed financial institutions that always keep full reserves that are audited monthly by independent accountants.
This allows users to take advantage of many of the regular financial services benefits without the Kafkaesque paperwork of banks and the rollercoaster of cryptocurrencies.
It is the best of both worlds.
Even better, this company works with Genesis, which is the largest digital asset lender on the planet. It offers the possibility to borrow bitcoin, ether, litecoin, and many other cryptocurrencies over fixed terms. In 2019 alone, the company processed more than $3.1b in digital assets.
Many similar companies aren’t transparent when it comes to informing you where your money is going to generate interests. That’s not the case here. You know your money is being kept safe in the hands of professionals that handle funds correctly.
Savings account
We mentioned their partnership with Genesis because this alliance is vital to understand the savings account. First of all, you can have both bitcoin and USDC savings accounts with an 8.8% APY if in USDC, and 4.1% if in bitcoin. The alliance with Genesis allows them to be more transparent and mitigate risks for its accountholders as it is our partner’s largest borrower of BTC and USDC.
How do they generate interests? Simple. They lend the bitcoin and USDC to Genesis and their own bitcoin-backed loans that we’ll explain ahead.
Again, remember that Genesis hasn’t lost a dime while processing over $3.1b in 2019 alone. Your money is safe in our partner’s hands.
When your bitcoins or USDC are not lent out to Genesis, they are stored within their custodian partner, BitGo, which is a qualified and licensed custody provider in the US.
Having your savings in digital assets will help you to protect your savings from inflation and depreciation while receiving a magnificent interest rate.
What else should you know about the saving accounts?
● Transactions sent to your bitcoin savings account will be posted in about 10 minutes, and USDC transactions will be posted in about 4 minutes. You can withdraw your funds 24 hours per day, and withdrawals generally take about a day to be processed.
● The account doesn’t have any minimum or maximum balances. The only limits are a seven-day limit of $1m USDC and 100 bitcoins.
● The account doesn’t have any maintenance fees. The only fee associated with the account is a 1 USDC fee per each withdrawal to cover the fee of crypto miners that process the transaction on the blockchain.
● These accounts are available worldwide except for a handful of countries such as North Korea, Iran, Libya, and Syria, and some US states such as NY, Connecticut, Washington, Texas, Hawaii, and Wyoming.
Last but not least, how can you open a savings account? It is incredibly simple. You just need to fill a simple form with your personal information and complete a KYC process by sending:
● A picture of your ID document
● A picture of yourself holding the document
● Proof of address
Bitcoin-backed loans
Imagine you’re on a streak with your bitcoins, or you want to keep your money safe in them instead of your local currency but need some quick liquidity. What other options do you have without having to sell your bitcoins?
Generally, you don’t have any. However, our amazing partners came up with a perfect solution: Bitcoin-backed loans. They are a fast, secure, and convenient way to receive US dollars without selling your crypto. That means you can obtain the liquidity you need and keep the upside of your bitcoin position and don’t create taxable events.
And once you pay the loan, the bitcoin is sent back to you at once.
All loans are kept at a collateral 2:1 bitcoin-USD ratio. That means that if you ask for a $2k loan, you’d need to transfer $4k in bitcoins to the platform. The loan comes with a monthly 1% interest rate plus a 2% total administrative fee and must be repaid within 12 months.
Why are these loans such a terrific option?
● They are reliable because they are safeguarded by their leading custodian partner, BitGo, which has the best insurance policy in the digital asset custodian world.
● They are incredibly flexible. You receive the funds within 24-hour approval. You can pay off your loans whenever you want without penalties and without monthly required payments.
● You get to keep your bitcoins in full.
● It’s incredibly tax efficient. Credits are not taxable, and interest payments are generally tax-deductible while selling bitcoins to buy fiat currencies is a taxable event. A bitcoin-based loan will give you the liquidity you need without increasing your tax liability.
What else should you know about the bitcoin-backed loans?
● You’re probably wondering what happens if the bitcoin price decreases or increases abruptly, which happens often. If the bitcoin price decreases, they will ask for a collateral deposit or a partial payment. If the price increases, any gain in its value is completely yours.
One of the main reasons we made this alliance is that they offer a unique product. We’re talking about the B2X loan. What makes this different from the regular bitcoin-backed loan? Simple. It allows users to double their bitcoins, making both a Bitcoin-backed loan and a bitcoin purchase in one step.
Two shots, one kill.
The system is simple. If you deposit 1 BTC for a B2X, the company will match your deposited amount, doubling your holdings. You will owe the equivalent amount to 1 BTC in US Dollars.
The process is incredibly simple. Let’s walk you through it with the same amounts mentioned above:
● Register (it takes less than two minutes) and verify your account. Deposit your bitcoin valued at $9300.
● Place a B2X order.
● Our partners will approve a bitcoin-based loan for $9300 and immediately purchase another bitcoin and give it to you.
● In the end, you’ll have two bitcoins and a $9300 loan.
The execution is incredibly simple. You can use your bitcoin balance in your savings account, go to the B2X page and select how much bitcoin you want, follow a couple of simple steps, and that’s it. It takes less than one minute.
As with the bitcoin-backed loan, it can be open for 12 months and repaid at any time without penalty and established monthly payments. They also come with a 1% monthly interest rate and a 2% yearly administrative fee.
This product is specially designed for investors that foresee a potential increase in the bitcoin value and help them double their bitcoin exposure.
When you agree to use the service, you’re entering a regular bitcoin-backed loan agreement, meaning your full amount of bitcoin is a collateral for your loan. Thus, you’re liable to the same margin call provisions.
The other option for a similar end is using margin in an exchange, but B2X offers significant benefits:
● It is more cost-effective. Most exchanges charge hourly interest rates for their services, which range from 20% to 40% when annualized. B2X comes with a 12% yearly interest rate and a 2% administrative rate.
● It’s simpler. Placing an order in an exchange is complex and bothersome, and funding your account may take some time as most platforms are not particularly intuitive. B2X offers a two-step process that can be completed in a couple of minutes.
● It guarantees that there won’t be any price slippages. Margin orders mean you must select an order type, which may lead to slippages, or not having your order filled quickly enough.
● It will provide you with significant tax benefits. You can close the dollar loan amount and withdraw your bitcoin when you want. With a margin purchase, you can only take profits if you sell all your bitcoins to close the loan. However, this creates a taxable event that must be reported. B2X allows you to decide to pay down your dollar loan whenever you want. Nevertheless, as the bitcoin mustn’t be sold to close the loan, you’re not creating a taxable event when you close the loan and withdraw your bitcoins, helping you to optimize your taxes.
Who are we, and what can we do for you?
In Mundo, we are committed to your freedom. Along with our parent company, we have 25 years of offering first-level financial information for high-net-worth individuals, family offices, and businesspeople all over the world.
And we do this intending to enhance your freedom to do business, and to work, invest, live, and enjoy freely your hard-earned money.


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