A new future unfolds: Trump reelected in 2024

Mundo is interested in all the events that are going on in the world, particularly those that involve politics. Yesterday we heard the good news for the American people after the US elections: 2024 seems to bring many surprises including this one.
With a desire to congratulate the American people on the US new president, Mundo presents a brief description together with our hopes for the future of this country and the world.
US elections, 2024: who was racing for a place in the White House
Many politicians have joined the race to become the US new president. We can mention names like Cornel West, Jill Stein, or Chase Oliver. However, the two main contestants were Donald Trump, representing the Republican Party, and Kamala Harris, representing the Democrat Party.
The final race saw these two tightly competing and finally Trump was elected as the US new president by 50.9%. Harris, on the other hand, got 47.6%
Between these two we can see some predilections in certain states. For example, Trump won amply on the East Coast except for New York where Harris obtained the highest percentage. Thus, Trump wins elections in 2024 after being chosen in states like North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Kentucky.
On the other side of the country, that is, in California, Oregon, and Washington, the voters went a different way.
Trump wins elections in 2024
When it comes to US elections, 2024 is a significant year. We've all been waiting to see if Donald Trump would be reelected as the 47th president. It's interesting to note that Trump's reelection is historical in several aspects. For starters, he is 78 years old which means he is the oldest elected president.
Another surprising fact is that Trump will be the second president to run two non-consecutive terms. Many other politicians have ruled for two terms, but they have been consecutive. The only exceptions are Grover Cleveland, elected in 1884, and now Trump.
US elections: 2024 brings us hope
The previous information is but an excuse to talk about The US new president and to congratulate the American people. Mundo cares deeply about the American audience and we wish the best to Trump and his team. As Trump wins elections in 2024 we hope that this will be the best for the country and the world. As ambassadors of financial freedom, we believe in pro-business policies that respect individualities and every person's rights in all ways possible and at all levels.
Disclaimer: this article is merely informative, and it does not reflect the opinion of all the Mundo team members, furthermore, these articles should not be considered financial advice or formal political research of any kind.
Final thoughts about the US new president
Mundo is always on the side of personal freedom. Beyond politics and beyond opinions we believe in the right of human beings to achieve their goals in every way possible. When it comes to financial goals, there are many tools that can be used to fulfill your objectives. These include foreign banking, real estate investments, trustee services, second residency or citizenship, and any other structure that may cover these needs.
Thanks to our wide network of experts, we can help you establish any of these structures safely and most conveniently. Write to us and we'll discuss your case.
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