The book America banned: Avoiding Death and taxes

This is the first time that we advertise a book through Mundo, and there is a perfectly good reason for that. This book was not only written by one of our experts but also a friend. Moreover, we believe this book is special as it conveys our philosophy perfectly.
It's time to acknowledge the ugly truth: humanity is going down an ever-ending spiral toward financial ruin and economic crisis. The events that took place in the world over the past 2 years are nothing but a confirmation of this. While technology advances and new industries rise, old ways of production, marketing, learning, etc., are becoming obsolete. If we add to the equation the increase in the world population and the dramatic decrease of life-supporting resources available, we can see the severity of the problem.
Although the picture looks ugly, it is a good idea to remember that during the Great Depression there was a high number of millionaires arising. Why is this? Is there a way to not only overcome a crisis but to take advantage of it? The answer is ‘yes’. And this is what ‘Avoiding death and taxes’ is about.
The book’s author writes from his own experience after years of helping high-net-worth individuals to protect and grow their wealth. Thus, Eugene Freeman teaches us about the new world order and how it is not as new as they want us to think. Get ready to have your eyes open and get a whole new perspective on how society works and the evil mechanisms that control the educational, production, financial, and economic systems.
Should we be scared? The answer is yes, but just enough to want to do something about it. Is there a solution? Eugene thinks there is and this is why he wrote this masterpiece, to teach us to understand and avoid the system. The most important thing is to do it cleverly and legally. With this book, you’ll learn what is the best investment, how to reduce taxes legally, and how to protect your wealth from external threats.
With an innovative perspective, Eugene Freeman teaches us how to protect ourselves from the upcoming economic disaster and free our minds from the preconceptions ingrained in us through the educational system.
There is a possibility that you feel happy with the way things are, in that case, you don’t need this book. Don’t worry, you have the right to be a conformist if you are willing to deal with the consequences. If, on the other hand, you want to change your financial future and achieve ultimate financial and personal freedom, order the book now. Making your dreams come true is possible and you can live in abundance and peace of mind, body, and spirit.
In Mundo, we believe in ultimate freedom and this is why we promote ‘Avoiding death and taxes’. This is why we present a fragment from the introduction where you can learn about the philosophy of money through a fairytale called ‘the Firebird’.
Fragment of ‘Avoiding death and taxes’: The philosophy of money
In the Firebird, a Russian fairy tale, Vanya, a simple Russian farmer´s son, is requested by the king to find and capture the Firebird. The Firebird is a golden bird whose feathers shine like fire. Vanya, with the help of his cunning friend, the fox, captures the Firebird in a golden cage and presents it to the king. Not being satisfied with the creature, the king forces Vanya to capture a princess who is the daughter of a sea goddess. When Vanya captures this lady and presents her to the king, the sovereign decides to kill Vanya so that no one can steal the princess from him.
Before Vanya steps into the boiling water, according to the king’s death sentence, the princess gives him a magic potion, so that Vanya comes out unscathed and even more beautiful than before. The princess then convinces the monarch that she has used magic water in the vat to turn old age into youth, after which the king enters the vat and is boiled alive. After this, Vanya becomes king and starts living in a golden palace with everything he has wished for and yes, you guessed it, the daughter of the sea goddess as his wife. Having mastered the skills of identifying and capturing money and having defeated those who want to keep him in perpetual slavery and eventually condemn him to death, Vanya, the master of money, has become king of his own fate and can now obtain everything he has ever wished for. Of course, I’ve summarized a tale that’s far more intricate than this. Now I invite you to examine its symbolic meaning.
Vanya is a simple peasant´s son. He has certain qualities which everyone considers make him a failure: He isn’t greedy, he doesn’t like to work (at least not in the same way as a factory worker), he’s capable of friendship, he’s patient, and he’s willing to wait as long as it takes to capture the Firebird. Most importantly, Vanya isn’t obsessed with the bird; he knows that, if he waits long enough, it will come to him as long as he feeds it the right grain. That’s Vanya’s spirit or soul. He’s capable of waiting and willing to be taught. But note our hero isn’t hardworking at all.
The fox, which represents Vanya’s mind, is cunning and has gone to great lengths to study the behaviors of the Firebird. The fox knows what it looks like when it awakes, what it lives on, and the best time and place to capture it.
The king symbolizes the system, in other words, a government that always wants to take away your fortune or the Firebird that you have managed to capture. It’s important to remember that everyone who has captured this magical creature must think very carefully how to protect it from being stolen by the king.
The sea princess, of course, represents the good life that we all want and deserve and, indeed, can acquire if we capture the Firebird and avoid the clutches of the king.
Finally, the Firebird is a mythical creature; one can say an invention of the mind but a collective invention nevertheless. We all know it exists somewhere but most of us have only glimpsed it from the corner of our eye or held one of its feathers. Yet to some the Firebird is a permanent friend and companion. The Firebird, of course, symbolizes fortune.
Well, my dear reader, you may be wondering what all this has to do with learning how to make money. To answer this question, I first need to tell you that every little Russian boy and girl grew up in this fairy tale. In communist Russia, when nobody had wealth or inherited a fortune, we had 120 million Vanyas, but very few of them believed that they could ever achieve untold fortune or even dreamed that there could be a Firebird somewhere on earth. That’s because Soviet Russia essentially crippled the concept of money by making it a capital crime (punished sometimes by death) to speculate or make money rather than simply earning a wage.
All that changed in 1991 when communism collapsed and these restrictions were lifted. Suddenly, Russians who previously had a salary equivalent to US$200 a month could create unlimited wealth if they wanted to. And, indeed, in post-soviet Russia, wealth or its potential was everywhere to be picked from the ground. You could buy and trade diamonds, gold, and other metals. You could trade in Russia unlimited resources. There was a need for restaurants and bars. You could import clothes and items of necessity. Almost all spheres of business were open and almost anything you wanted to do would make you money. Russia was a fertile soil where people could basically grow whatever financial dreams they may have had. Firebirds, you could say, were suddenly everywhere multiplying and breeding like common seagulls.
Yet very few saw the Firebird. In the same manner as the Aztec people could not see conquerors’ ships approaching the coastline because they had no conception of a ship, the average Russian had absolutely no concept of the Firebird. The state had done a very good job domesticating its pets. The Soviet state had provided a worker’s salary and just enough food to keep hunger away. And that was all people could see: what they told them they should see. While Russia was literally surrounded by a sea of money, the majority of the population continued to work in the same bankrupt government corporations and waited to be paid the minuscule salaries, which would no longer be sufficient to buy even a single loaf of bread.
Out of 120 million Russians, only about 1% were Vanyas. Only 1% became multimillionaires or billionaires despite the fact that there was more opportunity at that time than anywhere else on earth to make loads of money. What is worse, of this 1%, probably more than half ended up broke, in jail, or even dead. Why? Simply because only a very, very small part of the population was open enough to see the Firebird or recognize it. Even fewer were brave and confident enough to take the Firebird in their hands. But even a smaller number of people, having captured the Firebird, were clever enough to keep it safe. Most of them ended up giving the Firebird to the king and being boiled alive. No happy ending for them.
But here is the interesting thing: Most of Russia’s millionaires were not doctors, engineers, scientists, or hard workers; indeed, they were the opposite. Most of Russia’s (and the world´s) wealthiest people did not materialize the money they earned out of thin air. However, they had something much more unique and valuable: the vision and the ability to recognize the Firebird that lived inside them.
So, the first step is recognizing the Firebird when it comes to us. This starts with a mental picture or concept. Simply ask: What is money and why is it important? The answer to this question is really the beginning of our quest, of our journey together, because if we don’t have a clear concept of money or an understanding of what it really is, we can never see its importance or why it is that we need it. This starting point is where most people fail to take the first step in the creation of wealth. I really believe the reason why the majority of the world’s population is poor and getting poorer is that they don’t have the slightest idea of what money is and why it is so important to us as a species. These are questions that most people don´t even ask; they spend their lives going around in circles like sad puppets, trying to gracefully make it till the next paycheck.
I’ve studied various dictionary definitions of money. Taking many of them into consideration and coming up with a composite definition that’s fairly succinct, I could say “money is a unit of exchange or value; it is a measure of value and a store of value.” That is, simply speaking, the traditional concept of money.
Definition 1: With money we can exchange goods or services.
Definition 2: Money measures the value of something. For example, how much is that cow worth? (1,000 dollars).
Definition 3: Money stores value; it defines how much our wealth is worth. (Someone is worth 2 million dollars).
But these definitions don’t quite get us where we need to be because, in order to work, money must be a commonly agreed item, meaning it must be backed by confidence. For example, the American dollar has no actual intrinsic value; it cannot be eaten or used for anything and it is in limitless supply. The only reason the US dollar is considered to be money is that the whole world is confident that it has value but if, for example, the foreign reserves of China in US dollars are dumped, the American dollar will be worthless overnight because 1.3 billion people will have lost confidence in it. This is what happened to the fiat currencies of most of the European economies after the Second World War, when people literally lost confidence in the money supply. Because a fiat currency is a government-issued currency that isn't backed by a commodity such as gold, there was no physical substance left to instill confidence in the people when the war was over.
So, we must add to the definition that “money is a unit of exchange, a store of value, and a measure of value backed by confidence.” But even this definition isn’t complete, because money is much more than this. Money is literally a substance that controls human time, space, matter, and indeed energy. You may say, isn’t that going a bit too far? Well, we need to take a few examples from sociology, neurolinguistics, and quantum physics to explain.
I’ve called money a substance that controls human time, space, matter, and energy by comparing the human world and the animal world. For example, take the Russian studies of children raised by wolves. It was found that these children could not learn a language and could not have concepts of time, love, or other such human conceptions because, as Martin Heidegger puts it, humans live in a house made of language. It is a matrix where concepts such as power, time, love, and literally everything, become created by language. It is only in the human world that this symbolic exchange creates meaning.
Love doesn’t exist in the animal world; it exists in the symbolic world of language as the most powerful force that defines human conduct. Similarly, good and evil, past and present, fortune and misfortune are all symbolic linguistic constructions that only exist in the human world and are nothing but concepts. Humans literally create their world out of language and live in that world. Anyone who has read a novel or been lost in a computer game understands this.
A dog has no concept of time, of love; it doesn´t know the future or the past. Nor indeed can any animal live in any other place than the present because they don’t have language. For this reason, animals cannot create and therefore they don’t live in the matrix of the human world. Money isn’t an exception. This sometimes-elusive piece of paper called money, one that most people devote their life to chase after, is nothing but a phantom. It is a phantom to which society gives importance due to the symbolism it represents in people’s minds, but in reality, is only a bunch of paper or a set of numbers in an online banking platform. But this phantom is very powerful, as it can create houses, buildings, cities, and even empires, and it can also destroy them when it´s used to buy weaponry, to bomb cities, or blow up a train in a subway station. Money is both a creative and destructive force, both good and evil, both freedom and enslavement. Money, therefore, is nothing but an idea, or, to put it more accurately, money is everything as an idea.
Thanks to the breakthrough of quantum mechanics, humans have learned that light can behave as a particle or as a wave and that its behavior depends on the observer´s expectations. Taking this into consideration, can matter be created according to what we expect? Would this mean that we create the world around us according to our preconceptions of it? And where do these preconceptions come from if not from our minds, our human nature? And what is it that makes us different than animals? Would this mean that our words and the symbolic meaning that they have are actually creative forces through which we can shape the reality that surrounds us?
The language of money can be learned the same way you learn English and Spanish. Since humans live in a world created by themselves, a linguistic or quantum world, they can manipulate it with the most powerful or key symbol: money. Let´s think about it. Money can make someone’s visions, such as the Taj Mahal, into material reality. In that sense, money is the master or the manipulator of matter. It is money that creates cities, countries, and empires. It took money to create the pyramids, build the Colosseum, and construct the Empire State Building. Without the concept of money, none of this would have occurred.
But money is also the master of time. Any person can basically use his or her money to buy or create time. For example, if you spend your life washing dishes, taking the kids to school, paying your bills, and working a full-time job, your time is actually not your own. With money you’ll be able to afford people who do all of this for you, so, if you’re wealthy, your lifespan is 20 percent longer than the average workingman's, but you actually enjoy life much longer because you have much more time freed up from tasks of drudgery.
Money also controls energy. With money you can buy the time and energy of other people; you can control their location in space and their physical movements. The masters of money learned this fact during the industrial revolution when the salary of workers was calculated to barely keep their heads above the water so that their entire time would be spent trying to earn a living in the factory. Money literally bought these workers´ souls and enslaved them until death.
So, you, dear reader, have been deliberately fed a lot of myths about money so that you don’t crave it or its power. You have been told, for example:
Money can’t buy you love.
If we think about this carefully, studies in Berkeley have shown that women consistently choose their husbands not according to their looks but according to their concept of whether or not the man will be able to have enough financial power to look after them and their children. Rich, ugly men consistently get the most beautiful girls in the world only because they’re wealthy. Psychological experiments have shown that the wealthier the man is, the more attractive he appears to be. Money, therefore, creates and buys love. If you don’t believe me, look at how many beggars fall in love and stay in love. I would wager none because in order to keep the woman of your dreams you need money at least to pay for the honeymoon or feed the newborn baby.
Money can’t buy you health.
Today, modern medicine can replace organs, stop or delay the aging process, rejuvenate the body, and revitalize the brain. It is a fact that rich people generally live healthier and longer lives. If you disagree, I invite you to compare the prices of genetically modified food and organic food. The former has been created to feed the masses of poor people, while the latter has greater health benefits and is affordable only for wealthier people.
Money can’t buy you spirituality.
If that’s the case, why do all the world’s religions seek money? The Vatican has its own banks and its own offshore financial industry and so do all the major religions. Indeed, if you really want to help the poor and needy, you need money to buy them food and medicine. If we take the great spiritual teacher, Yogananda, who arguably brought the concept of yoga and enlightenment to the West and influenced great minds like the Beatles and Steve Jobs, you’ll find that even he was involved in a long, drawn-out court case. He entered a legal dispute over copyright of his works against his greatest friend and disciple. It was an argument and dispute about—yes, you guessed it—money. Even Yogananda, who arguably was not attached to money at all, spent his life collecting it, using it, and investing it in the creation of his yoga movement. Perhaps the only time you really don’t need money is if you discard all possessions, social ties, and family connections to go into the forest to become a yogi living off begging alms. At that point, I agree you won’t need money and will understand it to be an illusion, but in every other situation, you literally cannot exist without it.
So, money is really and truly everything, because it is the fabric that weaves the entire social world in which humans live. A man is measured by the amount of money he possesses because that’s in essence the measure of his power. This is why many businessmen who go bankrupt end up committing suicide because they can´t face the fact that their power has disappeared overnight.
I’ve tried to give you a taste of the concept for a reason. It is in the interest of governments, banks, and financial institutions, and indeed what many people call “the new world order masters,” to distort your concept of money. Think of all the illusions you have been taught to think: “Money is the root of all evil” or “money doesn’t buy happiness” or “you need to work hard for your money.”
In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley described this phenomenon. He described the creation of a whole class of people who were socially engineered to be the workers of society and deliberately “dumbed down” to accept and be proud of their place in the social order. This book, written in 1931, described the plans of the elite to control society. These were actual plans implemented by Western and Eastern governments and their psychiatrist advisers. Under this agenda, schools became places where children were taught they had to be socially adjusted and work for a living, and that happiness meant being part of and contributing to society. Slowly but surely, governments taught their obedient citizens that the state was a benevolent nanny that would tax their money and use it for everyone´s sake: to create public hospitals, mental health facilities, free education and, in general, a “brave new world.” Today, 99% of the members of the human race are slaves because they have to spend almost all their time working for a living.
Let’s examine, dear reader, what each of us is taught from kindergarten. Little Johnny wants to be a plumber, an electrician, a doctor, or a lawyer and is taught at an early age that he has to work very hard, buy an incredibly overpriced house with a huge mortgage, invest in a pension plan, go to an adviser for funds, and pay the taxman. And, if Johnny is a good boy, he’ll retire at 65 with a nice pension from his reliable government and will be able to enjoy “the rest of his life.” Such a life, of course, has already been assessed by armies of scientists working for the pension funds, to not last very long after the retirement age. The reality is that Johnny is a slave whose production is robbed at every turn. His income is taxed to pay for “free” medical and educational facilities that are deliberately so substandard that you might as well not have them at all. He works very hard, so hard in fact that he’s overstressed and spends his free time reducing the tension with alcohol, drugs, or coffee, just to get through his dull and monotonous work routine. After the mortgage, taxes, retirement deductions, school fees, health care, insurance, and more, each average American household was up to US$145,000 in debt. Indeed, a recent survey showed that over 40% of Americans (and this goes even more for Europeans) would not have enough savings to cover an emergency for a week if they were laid off.
And when Johnny finally makes the home run to retirement from grueling 50-hour workweeks, he’s so mentally and physically exhausted that, if he’s like many Americans, Australians, or Europeans, he’ll probably have heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and mental health issues from a lifetime of stress—and nothing in his bank account. At 65, Johnny is sick, tired, dirt poor, and ready to enjoy his retirement, which will be spent trying to pay for the medications that are not covered by his health plan and trying to make ends meet. Indeed, most of the medical services that Johnny will need will require either a long waiting period because they’re considered not urgent or will simply be unavailable. Johnny’s pension, which has remained the same, may not be enough to cover his electricity and food bills, let alone travel. So, if Johnny is lucky enough to have paid off his home, he’ll have to sell it or borrow against it to make things work. If his home has gone up in value, Johnny will possibly be one of the living dead who is able to afford basic items of food and maybe some cheap travel. If, however, his home has gone down in value or he cannot borrow against it, then Johnny is truly among the ranks of the millions of Westerners awaiting death and hoping their savings won’t run out before that happens.
Johnny may never realize that he has gone from the ranks of a slave to a retired slave. Had he been educated, he would have known that the word “retire” derives from the Middle French retirer, which means to withdraw from something or to go into solitude. He would have known that this word was used in the industrial age to refer to the scrapping of machines in sentences like “the ship was retired from service” or “the racehorse was retired” (shot). And here is where the wheel comes full circle. If Johnny had had his own concept of money and the desire to catch the Firebird, he would have understood what the king was doing with him and how to avoid his clutches in order to set himself free. He would have understood, for example, that:
1.By working all his life for the boss, he had paid 20% to 50% of his hard-earned salary in taxes. This means that, if his salary was $80,000, he had been robbed of around $25,000 a year, which would amount to $500,000 over a 20-year working lifetime.
2.Paying a huge mortgage for a $600,000 house (at say 5%) he would have paid $500,000 to the bank in interest payments alone. In other words, the bank robbed him of $500,000, which he cannot recover.
3.If he was the average worker, he would also have amassed credit card and high purchase debt for the brand-new ultra-luxury TV, furniture, and other branded junk he did not really need but was convinced that he had to have. An average American pays around 16% in a lifetime for credit card and financed debt.
4.But that is by no means the end of poor Johnny’s robbery. If Johnny has anything left after the taxes and credit card bills, he’ll be forced to pay this into a retirement plan which will inevitably be administered by financial advisers touting managed funds that eventually have a zero or negative return on investment. Even if, after all that, Johnny does manage to invest in something that rises in value, the government will, again, tax those savings via capital gains tax on investments.
Johnny’s children are even less lucky. They’re born into a world of GMO food designed for agricultural economies, not for health benefits. Roughly 20% of them will be unemployed for most of their lives. If they’re born in Europe, most will never be able to afford a house and it’s likely they’ll see bank defaults, financial meltdowns, depressions, and possibly wars in their lifetimes.
I’ve written this not to scare you but to inspire you and show you a better way. I guarantee that—if you follow the lessons in this book—you’ll be able to find your Firebird and see it produce hatchlings for yourself and your children. You, like many others, will be able to legally avoid taxes and indeed a living death planned for you by today´s Western systems of socialist governments. In the next chapters, I’ll show you something that’s quite obvious but “hidden in plain sight,” like the fairy tale of the king with no clothes: The financial, taxation, and social systems have been engineered to enslave you. However, that’s only part of the picture. Although you are imprisoned, there’s an easy and straightforward way of ending that enslavement and gaining wealth, freedom, health, and possibly even happiness.
Welcome, dear reader, to an exciting lifetime journey, or the journey of a lifetime, into wealth or in some cases extreme wealth. As we travel down this road together, it is my goal to share the following lessons with you:
1.The power of taxation to destroy your life and freedom and how to avoid it.
2.The best way to protect your income for yourself and future generations is by using a trust structure.
3.The theory of the Five Flags was used by the ultrarich as the key to how they became rich.
4.The deliberate lies spread by financial advisers to rob you of your hard-earned money.
5.How to make money.
6.How to invest money.
And now that the world is spiraling into a global depression, which will be the inevitable aftermath of a ten-year bubble followed by a coronavirus crisis, changing the way you and the world sees money forever, you, dear reader, will find yourself in the same situation as the Russian Vanyas during the 1990s, when the whole Soviet system had collapsed. This book is intended to teach you the immense possibilities that are opening up to you at the time of change and to help you understand the equally immense possibilities of building your own fortune at the time of global transformation.
I know that, by following the lessons I share with you in this book, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to create wealth and, more importantly, freedom. It’s my hope that next time when you’re at the table with your family and friends and somebody says “you cannot avoid death and taxes,” you’ll quietly smile in the knowledge that you are on the way to avoiding both.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice or recommendations. Investing in financial products or cryptocurrencies involves risks, and you should be aware of the potential risks involved before investing. The content on this website is not intended to be a solicitation or offer to buy or sell any financial products or services. The information provided does not take into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation, or needs, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional financial advice. You should seek independent advice from a financial advisor or other professionals before making any investment decisions. Please be aware that the legal status of cryptocurrencies and other financial products may vary in different jurisdictions and may be subject to regulation. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with any relevant laws and regulations governing the sale and marketing of financial products and services in your jurisdiction.


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